Full-Time / Part-Time

You may be able to switch between full-time and part-time attendance at University. Not all programmes have a part-time option, so you should check with your department first.

Speak with your supervisor and discuss the options available to you. This decision should not be taken lightly. It is essential that you understand the implications that changing your mode of attendance may have.

Changing your mode of attendance will affect the end of your period of registration, your submission deadline and the tuition fees payable for the remainder of your programme. It will alter how you fulfil the University's requirement of a minimum period of registration.

Changing your mode of attendance may also affect your entitlement to:

  • Financial support

  • Funding

  • Postgraduate researcher / student visas

  • Accommodation

  • Council Tax exemptions

  • Tuition fees and accommodation

Your funding body may place restrictions on whether and how often you can change status. PGRA can give you further guidance.