
If exceptional circumstances are affecting your ability to work in the final 3 months before your submission deadline, you may be permitted to extend your submission deadline, but only in proportion to the documented impact on your work. You should be planning to submit considerably before the deadline to allow for less exceptional but still unpredictable events that might affect your work.

There is no guarantee that you will be able to extend your programme in this way, especially if the circumstances could have been remedied with a leave of absence at an earlier stage. Extensions are normally limited to a maximum of six months. In exceptionally compelling circumstances, a longer extension of up to one year may be granted. Multiple extensions exceeding a total period of two years will not normally be granted.

Applications for extensions should be made before your current submission deadline. If you need to apply for an extension to your submission deadline, you should speak to your supervisor. This date should be justified by the circumstances and supported by the departmental Graduate Chair or the Director of Graduate Studies.