Communicating with the Department


Email is the key method of communication within the department. It is essential that you check your University of York email account regularly for communications from your supervisor and the department. You must use your York email account for all communication with the University. Additionally, please note that some services (e.g. access to other Google apps) are only accessible through your University email account, and for the purposes of security, we recommend that you use only your University of York email account for all research and teaching purposes. 

Official Communications and Department Correspondence

Information of general interest to all staff and students in the department is sent out via our "linguistics-info" Google group, such as announcements of colloquium talks and other interesting events. All Postgraduate students in the department are invited via email to become members of this group. 

You can follow @UoYLangLing on Twitter and Facebook for department news. 


Feedback can be given back to the department via your PGR student rep, or you can submit feedback anonymously via the LLS PGR Feedback Form