Departmental Programmes


We offer 7 research degree programmes:

  • PhD in Applied Linguistics (in collaboration with Education)

  • PhD in Language and Communication

  • MPhil in Language and Communication

  • PhD in Linguistics

  • PhD in Psycholinguistics

  • iPhD in Linguistics

  • MA in Linguistics by Research


The PhD programme is a three-year degree where your focus is on producing a substantial piece of research which you present in a thesis. However, being a PhD student is much more than this. The time you spend being part of the life and culture of the Department, the other training that you take, the conversations you have with your fellow students and staff, etc., give you invaluable insights into academic and research life. The more you choose to participate the richer your experience will be.

Departments have some discretion, through their Graduate School Boards, about the detailed procedures for their PhD programmes. The procedures for the Department of Language and Linguistic Science are contained in this document. At the same time, we have tried to give as much helpful advice as possible alongside the more formal aspects of the programme.

The University Regulations require that a PhD thesis should contain “a substantial original contribution to knowledge or understanding”. The degree is awarded to students who demonstrate:

  • The creation and interpretation of new knowledge, through original research or other advanced scholarship, of a quality to satisfy peer review, extend the forefront of the discipline, and merit publication

  • A systematic acquisition and understanding of a substantial body of knowledge which is at the forefront of an academic discipline or area of professional practice

  • The general ability to conceptualise, design and implement a project for the generation of new knowledge, applications or understanding at the forefront of the discipline, and to adjust the project design in the light of unforeseen problems

  • A detailed understanding of applicable techniques for research and advanced academic enquiry.


The Integrated PhD programme is designed to give you a solid background in linguistics, in your chosen area, but also more generally as well in research methods, ethics, etc.

The iPhD is made up of two parts:

  1. Part 1, which lasts for 1 year, is the taught component where you will undertake training by following Masters level modules. See First Year of iPhD for guidance.

  2. Part 2, which lasts for 3 years, is the research component of the iPhD and is governed by exactly the same Departmental and University wide rules, regulations and procedures as the standard PhD in Linguistics. For Part 2, the relevant sections of the PGR handbook should be consulted.

MA by Research

The MA in Linguistics by Research is a research qualification open only to candidates who already have a sound grasp of linguistics and some specialised knowledge in the sub-field in which they intend to work. It should contain an original contribution to knowledge or understanding and should demonstrate mastery of the appropriate research methodology, literature and scholarly apparatus.