Jovenes Tejedores de Sociedad 3D


Our Mission: To promote resilient Latinx leadership and powerful connections across Washtenaw County by igniting ideas, strengthening trust, and building relationships.

Nuestra Misión: Promover liderazgo fuerte dentro de la comunidad Latina y conexiones poderosas a través del Condado de Washtenaw despertando ideas, fortaleciendo la confianza y construyendo relaciones.

Our Vision: The Latinx community is flourishing, hopeful, unified and engaged within Washtenaw County.

Nuetra Visión: La comunidad Latina está prosperando, llena de esperanza, unida e involucrada en el Condado de Washtenaw.

The Washtenaw County Buenos Vecinos ( Good Neighbors) initiative has evolved since 2011 to integrate data, action and reflection. Buenos Vecinos began with a Latino Household Survey called the Encuesta Buenos Vecinos (EBV, Good Neighbors Survey ). The EBV results revealed the need to make a concerted effort to focus on the Latino Youth in Washtenaw County. The EBV survey was designed and implemented by the Community Leadership Team (CLT) , a group comprised of community members interested in improving the Latino population's well being. Buenos Vecinos is working to ignite ideas, foster involvement and promote leadership in the Latino community. Our approach is implemented through working together with a dynamic group of like minded people, not creating a new organization or nonprofit.

Survey Results Report in English

Resumen de los Resultados en Español

Search specific data from the EBV

We began to reach the Latino Youth through a program with Ypsilanti High School’s ESL students by forming the Jóvenes Tejedores de Sociedad 3D (JTS, Young Weavers of Society 3D) . This was a curriculum that affected the personal development of the youth. We believe that the Latino Youth can become effective agents of change for their families and community.

During the 2014-2015 school year, the Jóvenes Tejedores de Sociedad 3D (JTS, Young Weavers of Society 3D) participated in a variety of activities focused on themes such as nutrition, racism, sexual education, and teamwork.


In the 2017-2018 school year, Ypsilanti High School created the Jóvenes Tejedores de Sociedad 3D class. The class is designed to support Latino students with personal growth in order to graduate and reach their goals for the future. This group is a safe space where Latino students can improve their English, academic, and social skills.

During the 2018-2019 school year, we implemented a social-emotional-academic curriculum through School-Connect. In addition, the students are assessed using the Devereux Students Strengths Assessment (DESSA). The students continue to participate in-school and extracurricular activities which promote overall health and well-being.