Coping Strategies

Coping Strategies (or Skills) are tools and techniques to help you handle difficult emotions, manage your thoughts, and decrease stress.

Need help with Coping Strategies?

Ask your School Counselor!

Remember to have an open-mind when trying new coping strategies. Not every strategy will work well for you, and that’s okay! What’s important is that you give it a try and notice how it makes you feel. You might be surprised at the strategies you end up loving the most!

Make a Coping Strategies Toolbox

Kids (and adults) need healthy coping strategies to help them deal with tough emotions, setbacks, and just everyday ups and downs.

Coping Strategies 

Find strategies that work for YOU!

Here are some ideas to add to your Coping Strategies Toolbox:

Challenge Negative Thoughts

Click the Above Picture for a list of 100 Positive Thoughts and a worksheet for listing your top 10 positive thoughts!

We can be very mean to ourselves in our own heads. Look at the facts! Ask yourself:

Deep Breathing

Learn more about the benefits and other forms of Deep Breathing.

Square Breathing

Trace your finger around a square as you breath.

Spend 3 seconds moving along each side.

Slow, Deep Breaths

Match your breathing to the image.

Take a deep breath in as it expands, and release it as it folds back down.


Learn more about the benefits and forms of Mindfulness.

mindfulness Is...

Mindfulness Helps With...

Other Coping Strategies

Coping Tools and Activities

Change your Focus

When you feel stuck, put the issue aside for a bit and come back to it later. 

Drop your Shoulders

Tense your body for 10 seconds then relax.


Use the STAR method to STOP, Calm down, think about your choices, then act on your choice. Reflect back to see how the choice went.

Think of Your Happy Place

Picture yourself being calm in a calm place.

First Aid for Feelings (English)

A Workbook to Help Kids Cope During the Coronavirus Pandemic

First Aid for Feelings (Spanish)

Un cuaderno de trabajo para ayudar a los niños a sobrellevar la pandemia de coronavirus

Grounding Exercises

Calming technique that uses focusing on all 5 senses to feel connected to the present moment.

Worry Box

Read Books About Worrying

Check out the links below for more information: