Schooling From Home

WAVE - Wyomissing Area Virtual Education

If you are a parent or student who is interested in Wyomissing Area Virtual Education (WAVE), please contact the program coordinator, Mrs. Jennifer Mangold, at for more information. You may also request a demonstration account to view the curriculum.  

Message from Mrs. Bobst, Principal of WHEC

June 5, 2019

"Best wishes for a safe and enjoyable summer!"

Message from Dr. Babb, Principal of WREC

June 5, 2020

"Congratulations on the completion of the 2019-20 school year! While it will forever be remembered as the school year interrupted by COVID-19, I’m proud of the way we pulled together and 'finished strong.'"

Last Day of 2019-2020 School year: 

June 5, 2020

First Day of 2020-2021 School year: 

August 31, 2020

Teacher Office Hours:

10:00 AM – 12:00 PM       and   1:00PM – 3:00 PM  Monday through Friday

Build A Schedule

Parent involvement is key to success in virtual courses. With the help of parents and caregivers, students need a routine to follow on a daily basis in order to effectively manage their time and to stay on track. Having a well-thought-out, specific daily schedule is key, and parents can be a huge help not only in building such a plan but also in making sure that it is followed. Common Sense Media breaks it down into chunks of time with activities here or you can find templates for daily routines below:

Daily Routine Chart

Stuck at Home Schedule

Stuck at Home Schedule 2

Time Management

It’s hard to not feel like you’re on vacation when school is out as a child. Time management and screen time limitations are even harder! Common Sense Media offers a list of resources to assist you in creating these boundaries with your student(s) here. Virtual Learning - Below you will find some key things parents can do to help their child achieve success in a virtual learning environment: (Referenced from: 5 Things Parents Can Do To Support Students in Virtual Courses)

Set up a Designated Work Space

For everyone, surroundings make a huge difference in one’s mindset and ability to focus. One of the best ways to encourage your child to complete their assignments is to create a homework/class space that's all their own. 

Consider Your Child's Study Style. If they are easily distracted, a secluded, quiet spot is best, but if she's more comfortable working with other people around, choose a corner of the living room or kitchen. Make sure the area is free of clutter and that other family members respect "homework time."

While music may be okay at low levels, TVs should be turned off — very few people can resist becoming distracted by TV. But no matter where your child does her homework, the U.S. Department of Education recommends that the space has bright lighting, relatively quiet, and close-at-hand supplies

Finally, let your child take part in creating his/her study space so they will feel more comfortable and be less likely to think of homework/class as a chore. They may prefer a certain chair to sit on or your child might feel less intimidated if they have a favorite stuffed animal sitting beside them to "help" study spelling words, or if they have a "magic thinking hat" to wear when stumped by a math problem. 

Build a Relationship with Your Child's Teachers

Luckily, we have parents that are very involved with the teachers in our classrooms so you have probably already formed a strong team dedicated to the success of your student(s). Communication is even more essential in a virtual learning environment so be sure to let them know what type of communication works best for you and your current situation during the school closure (access to technology, etc.) 

If you have questions about the course or concerns about your child’s progress, reach out and discuss them with his or her teacher. Finally, when you see your child reaching goals, making productive changes, or hitting important milestones, tell the teacher about it—it’s guaranteed that your child will appreciate the positive feedback coming from multiple angles.

At Home Learning and Enrichment Resources

Reading Specialists' Suite - They Have Summer Resources!