Math Counting & Fluency Practice

New math warm-ups week of 5/24/21:

Please play along with ONE of the videos on this page EACH DAY. Feel free to go back and re-watch past videos, too! Make sure you are counting out loud and answering at home! Families, ALL counting: forward, backward, and skip counting, and playing with numbers are AWESOME practice all the time :)


Fractions have EQUAL PIECES. Is this a true fraction, or would it reuslt in "fighting and whining"?


Let's practice coutnting money and notating it with the symbols for dollars and cents.


For this warm up, you'll need a piece of paper and scissors to make 4 equal strips. We will fold different sized fractions together.

You can re-watch and re-practice these at any time :)


Estimate amounts with Brin. Then, use the > < or = symbol to compare them!


Let's practice strategies for "fast combinations" to 10, 20, 100 and beyond together!


How many dots in all? Look at thse "quick images" to see the total, either using repeated addition or multiplication!


Can you beat Brin to an answer on these basic + and - facts? Let's race the clock together and see if we can figure out the answers! If you want more practice, here's the website :)


There are lots of ways to measure besides just in and cm. Practice a few with Brin. If you want to do MORE on IXL, it's Level D, Task S.13.


Practice doubles addition facts AND x2 multiplication facts with this 20 frame. (Do you know your doubles facts? Then you also know your x2 facts. BOOM!)


Reveiw the names of geometric shapes with Brin. Then, use multiplication t0 find the total number of sides.


Mathigon has AWESOME multiplication flash cards! Try some with Brin in this video. Then, try on your own, HERE.


Skip count by 3's 4's and 5's with Brin


Greater than, Less than, or Equal to?


Estimation practice! You can also use a marble jar at THIS SITE.


Dawson is our skip counting star this week. Count along at home with him!


We're ready to tell time to the 5 minute interval. Here's an online clock YOU can practice with, too.


Multiplication is repeated addition, or equal groups. Find the totals with Brin.


Skip count by 4's! We're getting ready for beginning multiplication, friends!


Let's review coin values and count money together.


Practice "fast facts" with Brin. Can you get the answer first? You can play on your own AT THIS SITE.