Digital Studies/

Computer Science

0.5 Digital Studies credit Required

Exploring Computer Science

In Person - This course is designed to introduce students to the breadth of the field of computer science through an exploration of engaging and accessible topics. Rather than focusing the entire course on learning particular software tools or programming languages, the course is designed to focus the conceptual ideas of computing and help students understand why certain tools or languages might be utilized to solve particular problems. This is a fun class with hands-on activities and assignments that every student will enjoy.

Grade: 9th-12th

Length: Semester

Credit: 0.5 Digital Studies OR 0.5 CTE

ICA Creative Apps - WSU CS 1030 & CS 1010 (Computer Science Principles)

In Person - You will create multiple apps using the MIT App Inventor, learn basic coding using Python, and learn how to create video games with Unity. You will develop basic skills using a variety of programming Languages.

Grade: 10th-12th

Length: Semester 2-period block

Credit: 1.0 (can be used towards Digital Studies, Core Science, and/or CTE) 

*An additional 1.3 high school credit when students register with Concurrent Enrollment credit

*7 Concurrent Enrollment credits

Fee: WSU CE fees apply

You must sign up for the CE portion of this class or you will not be able to take this class.

ICA Applications - WSU CS 1400 & WEB 1400

In Person - You will learn how to develop more useful and complex apps through Eclipse by using Java and basic algorithms. Students will also learn how to make interactive/dynamic web pages. Languages: Java, HTML, CSS, Java Script.

Grade: 10th-12th

Length: Semester 2-period block

Credit: 1.0 (can be used towards Digital Studies, Core Science, and/or CTE)

*An additional 1.3 high school credit when students register with Concurrent Enrollment credit

*7 Concurrent Enrollment credits

Fee: WSU CE fees apply

Prerequisites: ICA Creative Apps

You must sign up for the CE portion of this class or you will not be able to take this class.

ICA Algorithms - WSU CS 1410 & CS 2420

In Person - As the capstone class, you will enhance concepts from the previous classes and prepare you for a career in Computer Science. You will focus on object oriented programming using C++. This will complete the Programming Essentials Certificate Pathway. Languages: C++

Grade: 12th

Length: Semester 2-period block

Credit: 1.0 CTE

*An additional 1.6 high school credit when students register with Concurrent Enrollment credit

*8 Concurrent Enrollment credits

Fee: WSU CE fees apply

Prerequisites: ICA Applications

You must sign up for the CE portion of this class or you will not be able to take this class.

ICA Cybersecurity WSU NET 2200 & NET 2300

In Person - Students will learn network and computer security along with computer repair and maintenance. This competes the Cybersecurity Essentials Certificate at Weber State University.

Grade: 12th

Length: Semester 2-period block

Credit: 1.0 CTE

*An additional 1.0 high school credit when students register with Concurrent Enrollment credit

*6 Concurrent Enrollment credits

Fee: WSU CE fees apply

Prerequisites: ICA Applications

You must sign up for the CE portion of this class or you will not be able to take this class.