24-25 Class List

Updated 1/9/24

The following are class lists for Innovation High School for the 24-25 school year.  There are two list options per grade. 

The full time student list gives students more access to our college classes.  We offer IVC (Interactive Video Conferencing) College classes that run off of the college campus schedule. Most IVC classes will time confilct with the A/B day schedule.

If you have any questions or concerns about the classes or opportunities at Innovation High, please reach out to our counselors. Contact information can be found on the main page of the counseling website.


These class lists are for students wanting to attend Innovation High full time (7-8 classes at Innovation both semesters).


These class lists are for students wanting to spit their schedule between Innovation High and their boundary school. (2 or 4 classes at the boundary school)

Remember, if you are taking a Snow College class, you must have a Concurrent Enrollment account set up with Snow College. This process usually takes 2-3 weeks.

For IVC classes, you are responsible for registring yourself for the class. For Hybrid classes, you must notify your counselor and have them request the hybrid class be added to your course list.

If you have any questions or issues, please contact your counselor!

Remember, if you are taking a Southern Utah University class, you must have a Concurrent Enrollment account set up with SUU. This process usually takes 2-3 weeks.

For SUU classes, you are responsible for registring yourself for the class. 

If you have any questions or issues, please contact your counselor!