Our House

St Edward's Our House

Our House is a social program for individuals with developmental disabilities.

We meet once a month at St. Edward the Confessor Church -
569 Clifton Park Center Road, Clifton Park, NY.

These events are a party more than a meeting - each van has a theme and we give away prizes -there is food, dancing, games and a chance for members to make new friends!

*Currently, events are not being held due to COVID19 but once things are up and running, Our House is eager to continue with their social programming and welcome new folks!

For more information you can look at our Facebook page, or look at the website (linked below)!

Questions, or interested in joining? Contact: Colin Allyn at (518) 320-4141

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/OurHouseatStEdwards/

Website: www.stedsourhouse.com