Social Emotional Learning

Social-Emotional Learning Supports

Here you will find some tools, strategies, and tips to help our children during these trying time.    Remember that it is important to maintain the positive, incorporate movement, bring in music, and breathe.  You will also find some links to Smores, which are digital flyers.  These flyers include tips and tricks to boost your mood.  Check back for more ideas! 

Apoyo para el Aprendizaje Socio-Emocional

El aprendizaje socio emocional es fundamental para que el niño disfrute aprender.  Hemos recopilado diferentes actividades para manterse postivos, moverse, y respirar.  estas actividades son para mejorar el humor y traer gozo al hogar.  

Create a Positive To Do List:  Start and end your day with positives.  Here's an example:

My Positive To Do List

Add your own positives and it can brighten your day!

Social Emotional Learning Activities

Quick Activities For The Whole Family

Have someone lead and explain an activity a day... then repeat!

Don't Forget to Breathe...  Inhale... Exhale... slowly and sigh... 

Family Talent Shows! 

Many plays and performances may have been postponed but they show can go on in your home!  Make it a show with snacks, "stage", and kids and can make flyers.  Sing, tell jokes, dance, read a poem, lip synch, and act your heart out.  Performing can be a great outlet for energy, emotions, and creativity.  

The Art Box:  Grab a box and load it with crayons, pens, markers, watercolors, stickers, stencils, pencils, etc.  Take breaks throughout the day and draw anything using the art box tools.  Talk not only about what you drew but why you chose certain colors, materials... Share how it made you feel.  

Keep a Journal

It can be very therapeutic to keep a diary full of doodles, pictures, stories, goals, moments, etc.  Jot in it whenever you need to.

Create a Word Cloud

Can be on paper or virtual.

Make Some Music!

Music can be healing and comforting.  We all have special musical memories... maybe songs that mark special days or events. Think about listening to different playlists throughout the day.  You can also:

Bonus:  Singing and  humming can reduce stress and lower heart rate.  

Links to Smores- Digital Flyers

Managing Anxiety

Headspace for Kids

App-2 week free trial

Be Calm Resources for Adults & Youth

4.14.20 CPC Webinar Be Calm_Resources for Adults Youth_Version 2.pdf

Calm App - Free Resources

Parents helping kids cope during COVID-19.pdf

Design a Mood Meter.  There are many examples online.  Put a Post it, sticker, or magnet on where you are throughout the day.  It is a great way to check in on how you are feeling and lets others know how they can support you.  

Free Second Step and Committee for Children Resources for Educators and Families to Use During School Closures

Mind Yeti on Vimeo: English | Spanish
Mind Yeti on YouTube: English | Spanish
Mind Yeti Podcast: RSS Feed | Spotify | Stitcher

**Families can also go online to find resources and activities to support Second Step at home:

1. Go to

2. Under New Users, click “Create Account”

3. Complete the required fields

4. Add Program Activation Key: SSPE FAMI LY68

WCSD Wellness Team Google Site Directory

Andrews Elementary

Staff: Amber Montero, School Counselor

Andrews Website

Virtual Calming Room

Dexter Middle School

Staff: Melissa Lopez/Michelle Maloney/Scott Spain, , School Counselors

Edwards Middle School

Staff: Mike Martinez/Carolina Romero/John Toulios, School Counselors

Hoover Elementary

Staff: Tracy Cerda, School Social Worker

Jackson Elementary

Staff: Crystal Alvarenga, School Social Worker

Longfellow Elementary

Staff: Tracy Cerda, School Social Worker

Mill Elementary

Staff: Crystal Alvarenga, School Social Worker

Orange Grove Elementary

Staff: Kean Flowers, ASW, PPSCSchool Social Worker

Flowers Wellness Corner (ROSES)

Phelan Elementary

Staff: Alex Harris, School Social Worker

Sorensen Elementary

Staff: Kean Flowers, ASW, PPSCSchool Social Worker

Flowers Wellness Corner (ROSES)

West Whittier Elementary

Staff: Alex Harris, School Social Worker