6th-8th Grade

Summer Resources

Reading (40-60 minutes)

Encouraging students to read everyday is not just a good habit but a must for continued growth!!!  Make reading a daily habit by encouraging at least 30-40 minutes of reading or more per day.  This may be reading through pleasure, or assigned work through Science, Social Studies, or Language Arts.  

Amazon is suspending the subscription costs for audio books.  Now you have access to thousands of audio books for kids

Epic can be accessed on the Epic App for Ipads, or Iphones

(ask teacher for student code)


Listening to information also helps build up listening as well as comprehension skills.  Let students listen to these podcasts for fun or practicing skills.  For other popular podcasts see https://www.commonsensemedia.org/blog/the-best-podcasts-for-kids or click on some of them here.  

Ask Teacher for login access

Stuff you missed in History class

The title speaks for itself. Learn about people and events that are often overlooked in a typical history class.

The Allusionist

Explore the English language, with all its oddities! Filled with good humor and levity, this podcast will help you explore the roots of words and phrases that we use every day

Listen as world-famous radio reporter Eleanor foils devious plots, outwits crafty villains, and goes after The Big Story. Eleanor’s pursuit of truth takes her into orbit, out to sea, and even to the halls of Congress! Her adventures are entertaining and informative.

Youth Radio

Youth Radio is a podcast for teens, published by teens. It was created to showcase the power of young people as makers of media, technology, and community. It brings the teen perspective to issues of public concern

Star Talk

Neil deGrasse Tyson talks about all things space: stars, planets, humans in space, and so much more. He also interviews a lot of amazing people, from Buzz Aldrin to Alan Rickman.

The Past and the Curious

This amusing podcast features people telling interesting, little-known stories from history with an emphasis on fun and humor.

This American Life

is now also the most downloaded podcast in the country. It combines personal stories, journalism, and even stand-up comedy for an enthralling hour of content.

Copy of TED-Ed Video Playlist

But Why?

But Why is a show led by you, kids! You ask the questions and we find the answers. It’s a big interesting world out there. On But Why, we tackle topics large and small, about nature, words, even the end of the world.

Brain POP click here

User: WhittierCitySD

Password: student1

Virtual Field Trips

Take a virtual field trip anywhere in the world.  Visit sites such as

discovery centers virtual field trips

Or visit

Commonsense media for a bevy of safe and instructional learning field trips you can plug into, anytime during the day.  

check out some sample trips below.

Go on a virtual Field Trip

This virtual field trip will explore a variety of unexpected roles and functions that lend to the development of complex projects, like the Starliner/CST-100 and the SLS. Along the way, students will be exposed to the unusual paths that have led to these unique careers.

Visit the Ann Frank House

On YouTube, The Official Anne Frank Channel shows the only extant film of Anne Frank (20 seconds), and a wealth of material about her. The virtual tour of the Anne Frank House is a work-in-progress, and a video demonstrates the development process. A wealth of film clips from inside the house, of interviews with her father, with the museum director, historians, and human rights activists explain why it is important to remember Anne Frank. 

Visit the Tundra

Listen and watch scientists discuss the amazing animals.

Middle School Activities


if you are really into science check out this website from Harvard University. It's free and it goes deeply in the scientific process over hundreds of topics and includes learning pathways, interactives, simulations, videos, narratives, case studies