Math Summer Resources

 The resources can help keep the concepts and skills that students have learned sharp and even stretch what has already been taught this year into some new topics.  

Your teacher may already have a Khan Academy course set up, and if so, this is great.  If not, this service has "Math By Grade" which organizes the content in a very friendly way.  

This site has a collection of tasks that really give creative problem solving skills a work out.  These tasks can often force students to think a little outside the box when doing the math, which is a great way build understanding. 

Acing Math: A collection of math games (for all ages) that can be played with just a deck of cards.  

This site has a lot of math themed games if you need a brain break but still need to exercise your math muscles.  Here are two examples of fun games. 

Tinkercad - 3d Modeling

This is a great free site to create realistic and amazing 3d scale models. Create one from scratch or play around with ones already created. (Works well with the iPad)

Python: Coding

Python is one of the greatest programming languages to learn first.  There are a lot of crossover skills in programming and math.  Here is a link to a free course. 

STEW: STatistics Education Web

There are tons of lessons available that use data and statistics in really interesting ways.  Some of the lessons use different tech resources, and various household materials, but all the lessons are high quality.  

CPM & Other Content Related Resources

CPM Parent Guide:

This resource provides worked examples for each section in the textbook with practice problems to support.  There are answers provided for each problem set for all topics. Also, all the topics for the entire year are included in each guide.