SPED Resources

We hope you stay safe and healthy and we look forward to seeing you soon!

The Whittier City School District’s Department of Special Education is committed to providing our students with remote and online learning opportunities that will support student progress. In an effort to provide continued learning opportunities and resources to students & families with IEPs, our office has developed this page to help you access supplemental supports during school closures.


On behalf of the special education team, we hope that you and your family are safe and well during this global health crisis.  Protecting the health and safety of our students and staff is our first priority and we must keep that in mind as we make our best effort to serve the needs of our students with special needs.


Thank you for your patience as we navigate the abrupt shift to distance learning for both our classroom instruction and our related IEP services, especially for Speech and Language, Counseling, Occupational Therapy (OT), and Adapted Physical Education (APE). We have had to wait for guidance regarding temporarily relaxing privacy laws for tele-therapy services and are now drafting plans and schedules for services to begin.  


You will be contacted by your student’s service provider to get your consent for virtual-therapy or options for alternatives, if you decline consent.


Distance Learning Timeline

March 13: WCSD Letter Notification of Districtwide School Closures effective 3/16-4/03

March 20: WCSD Letter Notification of Districtwide School Closures extended to 05/05

March 23-March 27: Spring Break

March 24: Distance Learning Needs Survey sent to families

April 1-3: iPad distribution

April 3: WCSD Letter Notification of Districtwide School Closures extended to June 05

April 6: Soft rollout of Distance Learning

April 13: Non Student Day

**Link to Page With Resources for Related Services:

Tips and where to start:  

Remember to pace yourselves, give breaks, focus on the successes, use what you have (beans for counting, refrigerator as a word wall, etc.), and have fun!

Materials:  Break cards, reinforcement charts, journals/notebooks, variety of paper, pencils, crayons, books (picture and chapter)*, visual schedule with check-off list, behavior check-ins such as a Mood Meter (see pictures below)

Design a Mood Meter.  There are many examples online.  Put a Post it, sticker, or magnet on where you are throughout the day.  It is a great way to check in on how you are feeling and lets others know how they can support you.  

Ex. of Break Card

Ex. of Reinforcement Chart

Ex. of Visual Schedule

Reading  and Comprehension-  Provide choice to give voice!

Check out Flocabulary for reading raps and lessons!

Read, read, read!  You will learn something new with each reread and discussion!

Every story has a theme!

coming soon

Novel Effect - Giraffes Can't Dance.mov

Story 1- Giraffes Can't Dance!

Story 2- The Gruffalo

The Gruffalo Storytime.mov

Reading Comprehension/Storytime

Read alouds will be posted and updated.  As you and your child listen to the stories, feel free to pause or watch all the way through.  Here are some activities you can do to support reading comprehension.


Story 3- Be Who You Are by Todd Parr

Be Who You Are!.mov

Writing Across Genres

Write in your journal everyday to grow ideas!

Here's an informational project for you!

Informational Unit on Apples

Learn about text features

coming soon

It's Math Time!

Check out some helpful tips and clips!

Fractions love food!  Talk about fractions when you are cooking or eating!

Arrays, Generic Rectangle, Factors (4th-8th)

Use manipulatives (shells, buttons, toys...) to model positives and negatives.  

Can you find the mean, median, mode, and range taking data at home? 

Includes greatest common factor and least common multiple

You can make graphs at home.  Collect data around the house.  

Can you find the area and perimeter of items in your home? 

Learn about place value with songs and a story!

coming soon

coming soon

Apps That Support Learning

Here is a guide that hav steps on how to create a project using any app

The Google Suite includes Google Classroom, Google Docs, Google Slides, Google Forms, Google Suite, Google Groups, Google Maps, and more...

Check it out... https://gsuite.google.com/training/

Chatterpix- take a picture and bring it to life! Great for expressive speech and language practice.

Check back for more apps!

Pic Collage-  After reading, create a virtual collage with images, stickers, words...

Apple Clips is great for making commericals (targets persuasive and informational writing) and interviewing family (turn it into a narrative).

Popplet is great to organize ideas.  You can create story maps and bubbles. 

Unique Learning Systems

ULS-March Preschool (Packet).pdf
ULS-March Elementary (Packet2).pdf
ULS-March Intermediate (Packets).pdf
ULS-March Middle School (Packet).pdf

Links to resources provided by Santa Clara County Office of Education