Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL): Improving behaviour, improving learning is a resource that is used across the school to develop pupils skills while promoting positive behaviour and effective learning.

The materials help children develop skills such as understanding another’s point of view, working in a group, sticking at things when they get difficult, resolving conflict and managing worries. They build on effective work already in place in the many primary schools who pay systematic attention to the social and emotional aspects of learning through whole-school ethos, initiatives such as circle time or buddy schemes, and the taught personal, social and health education (PSHE) and Citizenship curriculum.

The materials are organised into seven themes:

New Beginnings

Getting on and falling out

Say no to bullying

Going for goals!

Good to be me



Below are links to the 'Family Resources' documents which are supplied by the Welsh Government - you can use these at home if you wish.