Croeso i Ysgol Gynradd
Rhosyn Gwyn
Welcome to White Rose
Primary School.
We hope you find our website informative while allowing you to keep up to date with your child's learning through the term and important dates for your diary.
Through the school news, class pages and Twitter feeds we will celebrate a school where we all 'Believe, Learn, Grow Together' .
Please click the link below for our Curriculum Offer at White Rose Primary School.
Were were really pleased following a very successful Estyn Inspection in May 2018 which highlighted :
White Rose Primary School is a happy inclusive community where staff have effective arrangements to support pupils’ wellbeing.
Pupils make good progress in improving their literacy, numeracy and information and communication technology (ICT) skills.
Pupils behave well and are kind and courteous to each other and adults.
Quality of teaching is good and many teachers provide pupils with extensive opportunities to develop as independent learners.
Teachers deliver a stimulating curriculum that meets the needs of all learners effectively.
The headteacher and other senior leaders provide strong leadership.
Leaders know the school’s strengths and areas to develop and have a strong track record of making improvements.
More information can be found on the detailed report in the news section or on the Estyn website.
Our Mission
Believe, Learn and Grow Together.
Our Stems for Success
We have seven core values which underpin everything we do to achieve our vision. They provide a framework which guides our behaviour, supports our ethos and influences the interactions we have with each other. We value them equally and aim to display their characteristics wherever possible.