

Learning Outcomes:

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

you need a picture for this!!

Every Tuesday and Thursday after school was my favorite time, because of debate. We were like a family. At times things got very heated but there were also so many good memories. Whether things were heated or not it was always a learning experience for me, because I learned the way that different people argue and how they do it. The scariest thing about debate in the start was that I had to talk for 8 minutes straight talking about one topic and making sure that the way I presented my argument was formatted properly. For the first month I was barely reaching five minutes. The thought of speaking for 8 minutes was very scary. However, after many practices I finally could do it. The first time I reached 8 minutes I was so happy because it was the only my only goal at the time. As time went on I learned that I needed to figure out a way to jot down the opposing team's points while they were talking. Doing this took a while because I would write down everything they said instead of making bullet points and the reason I did not make bullet points was because I was scared I wouldn't remember. I finally learned how to make a flow table and I made key points for me with symbols so I would understand it better. Debate changed me as a person because I learned that I could be very convincing. I started using things I learnt in debate in my everyday life.