
Teacher's Assistance

Learning Outcomes:

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively


CAS Stages


When I was presented with the opportunity to teach kids I jumped at the chance because I love kids. I was told that I would be teaching ESL kids and helping primary teachers out. I was so excited I asked one of the teachers if there was any work for me to do beforehand.


The first lesson was a trial lesson for both me and students, to see if it would work. I was told to be more focused with students who needed help in math. When I heard about that i was scared since math isn't my strong point. However, I managed to get the same problems I was suppose to teach them so i could prepare. Sometimes it was hard to get the kids to focus so i came up with a scoring system which seemed to work perfectly.


Every lesson I would always start by asking them to show me what page in their math booklet they last did and if they had any questions. If they had any questions I would go over it, if not I would teach the, the next lesson. After teaching them the next lesson I would go to them individually and ask them if they had any problems, because as a kid I was shy and never asked for help. Doing this I realized some of the kids were shy and going to them alone was beneficial to them.


Reflecting back on this experience as much as I enjoyed it I don't think teaching is suitable for me. While teaching the students I learned things about my self and gained a better understanding on how teachers might feel teaching students who are on different levels. I learned that I needed to put on different faces with different students and I didn't enjoy being strict. When it came to being strict I failed to help the student because I couldn't bare the thought of being strict. I partly think that has to do with me missing my primary years and being immature. After all those kids are human, which I believe helped me learn how to deal with different types of people, because although adults are meant to be mature I believe we still all have a childish aspect to us that comes out even when we are suppose to be professional.


My year was the first year that got to do this program and as IB students our work load increases and so at some point we have to drop and the year below us takes our place. During this journey I had my moments which I shared with the student taking over my place. Another thing I warned her about was that the kids cozy up to you really fast so when it's your time to drop make sure to talk to the kids about them and when they see you around school they will always come up to you. Also if she needs any help she can always ask.

Name of organization the project is organized with or for, if applicable: Wells International School

Contact person at organization, contact phone and email, if applicable:

Teacher or other external supervisor, if applicable: Ms. Rehka and Ms. Katina

Anticipated dates of CAS project: September - December 15 2017

Risk assessment required?: No

Risk assessment completed?: No

Student signatures: Tarasha Karamchandani

CAS supervisor/adviser signature/date: Ms. Rehka