CAS learning outcomes:

3: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance


I reached out to the open-mind project over the summer, and they were open to having me join the project. The open-mind project is directed towards helping underprivileged students learn English. As English is my first language, I was happy to volunteer. I first started off with the ‘open house’ which took place every Saturday. The open house was a meeting that took place on Cisco every Saturday in which one volunteer would present a topic, and all the other volunteers would initiate a conversation so that the participants could improve their English. The organization was happy to have more volunteers, so some of my friends decided to join as well. We were asked to create a presentation on the coronavirus, so we could educate others on this topic. Furthermore, I also took part in something called the ‘school program,’ in which I guided underprivileged students from the border of Thailand to come up with presentations. This opportunity was very eye-opening, because it allowed me to realize how privileged I am. I was also very happy because I was able to use my knowledge to educate others, and hopefully make an impact in their lives.