30 Day Challenge

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

During the summer break between grade 11 and 12, my friend and I decided that we wanted to do something challenging. Given the restrictions from the lockdown, we thought it would be a good idea to stay healthy and workout at home. This idea initially arose from a ‘30 day challenge’ workshop that was hosted by some teachers at school. Thus, we decided to plan our 30 day challenge on a document. Planning it out was very fun, because I did research on particular forms and techniques. I personally found this experience fun and challenging. There were some days where I felt lazy, but because I did not wanna fail this challenge, I pushed myself to get some sort of exercise whether it was a 30 minute walk or an hour workout. At first, I thought that it was quite hard, but then it slowly became a habit. I really enjoyed this challenge because I learnt new skills, was able to share my experience with a friend, and discovered my strengths and weaknesses in this particular area. Looking back at it, I found that when I did this challenge, I was a lot more productive and motivated, therefore, I would definitely challenge myself to something like this again.