CAS learning outcome:

6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

As a member of the Ted ed club I got the opportunity to visit the Foundation for Slum Child Care. The leader of the Ted Ed club coordianated with the donation center and was able to make this visit possible. During this visit we donated books to the slum. These books were collected by various people who were willing to donate unwanted books. Many underprivileged kids don't have the ability to acess the same education as many of us do. Thus, visiting the slum and being able to donate some books allowed me to experience the conditions that many children in Thailand live under. I felt happy and thankful that I visited the slum as it allowed me to look at things from different perspectives, and made me realise how lucky and privileged I am. Previously, members from the Ted ed club donated other items such as stationary. During this visit we donated books in hopes of being an educational material. Now that I am more knowledgeable, I want to furthur anticipate and do more donations in the future, to help those in need. This was a cherishable and memorible visit.