Dog Rescue Thailand

CAS learning outcomes:

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

During the second lockdown, I came across a foundation called “Dog Rescue Thailand.” As someone who loves dogs, I decided to reach out to them and find ways that I could help the organization, while still staying safe at home. After a discussion with the foundation, we figured that they needed help with marketing and social media posts so they could get people to donate to their foundation. I initially started off with doing some market research, and collectively added it to a portfolio so that they had something to refer to. I gradually moved on to making posters for the organization. I was responsible for making content for them, and coming up with ideas to help the organization. I voluntarily did this continuously for over two months, and still, intend on helping out as much as I can. The process was quite simple, I was working independently, and had weekly meetings with a supervisor to make sure that everything was going well. Despite her being all the way in Sweden, we still found time to communicate and collaborate to make things work. I learned a lot of new skills such as communication, creative thinking, and time management.