
CAS Learning Outcomes:

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Going out in the evening was something that I often did in the afternoon, whether it was walking my dog, or just going for a short walk/jog. However, mid June-August it would rain very often in Thailand, and I wasn’t able to go out for a walk so frequently. Thus, I decided to try the treadmill instead. I started off by using the treadmill for around 45-50 minute at a slow pace, and gradually increased my speed. I really enjoyed it, so after that I started continuously using the treadmill as a form of exercise. I found this to be challenging, yet very fun. At first I felt very tired but I kept pushing myself, and by the end of it I was exhausted. I liked the treadmill in particular because I had to make sure to stay focused the whole time. I liked this activity a lot and I would try to incorporate it into my everyday life.