
IMUN Internship

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

As I am one of the leaders for my school MUN club, I wanted to challenge myself and put myself on a bigger stage other than just BKKMUN or THAIMUN. Through the internet, I learned that there was an international MUN organization that provided internship opportunities. For 5 weeks my job was to become an ambassador for international MUN on online platforms. I had the chance to work from another country and promote and you went to a global audience. Even some of my friends that didn't previously participate in MUN, showed some interest since it was a more global stage. I met a diverse group of people and I became close friends and some of them. Some of them are in college, some of them are in high school like me and it was honestly a fun experience because I got to use my social media for a good reason I was posting International MUN content almost every week for five weeks and I felt super proud of doing so.