Instagram account for Sky photography

  1. Investigation

    1. While taking photos of the sky started out as just a hobby, I wanted to make it a more professional activity. I learned about the rule of thirds and how the placement of the objects in the photo needs to be so that they are the most aesthetically pleasing. At first, I was going to draw the sky photos but in the end, I decided to choose photography since it preserves the original vibe of the photo that I was going for.

  2. Preparation

    1. In order to take the optimal photos, I made sure that my tuition classes did not overlap with the time of the sunsets. In the winter, the nights are longer, hence, the sun sets much quicker (usually at around 5 pm - 5:30 pm local time) and the days are longer in the summertime, hence, the sun is up in the sky for a longer time (the sun sets anywhere between 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm). Taking the seasons and my extracurriculars into account I needed to make sure I got as many quality photos as I could.

  3. Action

    1. Taking the photos was only a matter of time. I had started taking the photos in 2020 when the first quarantine hit (because of the curfew, the air had cleared and I managed to take clear sunset photos as well) throughout the year, I collected over 600 photos (some good, some not so good). However, I only created the account in January of 2022. This is because I was scared that people wouldn't like them or that no one would look at them. After some thinking, I decided that I wanted to share my photos with everyone regardless of what they thought about them. After I created the Instagram account, however, now I need to manage my time well. With school life almost taking over my real life, I need to find time to manage the account. I didn't want to make a schedule since sky photos are spontaneous and unpredictable. So my next step would be to determine how I would be managing the account in the future.

  4. Reflection

    1. Overall, I felt that this was a good way to establish my presence to others with the same hobbies as me.

  5. Demonstration

    1. I created an Instagram account where I could promote my sky photos. I decided to use Instagram since it's a social media platform that I am most familiar with. Through this account, I connected with people from Korea and Thailand. Through this platform, I managed to express myself without actually showing who I am. I also managed to land a collaboration with a music producer (a close friend of mine), which was a big honor on my part since they will be using one of my photos as the cover of their song.