
(KIS) AISAA v-ball tournament

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Since middle school, I had not been the athletic type. When there were spots open on the volleyball team, I took the risk and decided to join (even though I had no prior experience). I am so glad I did end up joining because volleyball is a team sport, by joining volleyball, I managed to communicate with people who I may have never talked to if I hadn't joined. It also helped me break some stereotypes about athletes at international schools being "stuck-up" (in reality, they aren't). I also became more healthy in terms of work and life balance. At first, the tournaments and the assignments kept clashing and it was hard for me to follow at first. But over time, I created the habit of finishing my work before a match or a tournament so that I could enjoy my tournament to the fullest. I developed healthy habits, long-lasting friendships, and a new mindset. Also, in addition to becoming healthy, I got many rewards like the gold medal at a major tournament (as shown in the pictures on the left). I am thankful to myself that I joined because volleyball helped me manage both myself and my activities at a balance while also enjoying myself and receiving rewards.

CAS Showcase - K-Club dance

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Dance was also a particularly new area for me. I had always believed that I couldn't dance, and I still feel like I'm really not that good at dancing. But by conquering my fears through constant practice, I gained at least a bit more confidence when I first started. Firstly, joining the Korean club at my school helped me open up and communicate with more Koreans. Before this, I wouldn't really hang out with many Koreans my age, hence, my language skills were slowly decreasing. This club really gave me the space to show off my Korean and be proud of my culture. Second, I am still very stiff when it comes to dancing, but all my teammates who I practiced with for over a couple of months, would compliment me and say I became so much better than when I first started. This gave me the confidence to stand in front of the whole high school student body and even dance a solo part! Overall, I learned to improve my communication in Korean and I learned that if I practice anything hard enough, I can at least do well enough to perform in front of people.