

3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

The WISMUN VI was the first virtual MUN that I had planned. In fact, it was the first MUN that I was ever planning. This was also the first year where I became the leader of our school's MUN club. It was an honor to host this conference despite the hardships we went through as the WISMUN officers. Firstly, our school was still in an online formal which meant that we wouldn't be seeing each other in person. This was not very favorable since everyone's schedules and timings didn't match. This wasn't ideal since we needed to plan this conference in a couple of months. In the end, we managed to pull it off and we had a successful conference overall. I was in charge of coming up with global issues. I made sure it was a topic that a variety of countries could participate in. During the conference, we had some technical difficulties that we managed to figure out in the quickest amount of time possible. Overall, we had many more participants than we imagined and many of the participants were pleased with the overall result so I think it's safe to say this was a successful conference considering it was everyone's first time hosting one.