
PAWS donation booth

3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

This activity took an entire month to plan. In the beginning we assignment club members to prepare the small bows and soaps as shown in the picture. While I wasn't the one making them, the communication and the coordination had to match. This was in the beginning where some club members weren't as familiar with me as they are now. I made sure to talk to them as much as I could and I managed to make so many new friends from the lower grade. One problem that I had run into during this planning was that all the members and my co-leader, had classes during the time of the booth (since we were selling them to primary kids, we had unmatching schedules). In the end, I took control and had the entire first half of the booth to myself. I thought it would be a handful at first but the kids were super sweet and respectful and they were all interested in the bows, hair ties and clips regardless of their gender. This experience allowed me to take action according to the right situation.

UNICEF Contributions

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

Since 2013, I have been constantly donating up till 2021. At first, this account was created by my parents under my name when I was younger, but once I turned 16, I gained full control over it. The most recent cause I donated to was the emergency in India Covid-19 crisis where the country was running out of oxygen to provide their medical patients. My initial aim was to help out other kids who didn't have access to proper education or facilities to learn. I got the honor to be a part of UNICEFs journey to help children who didn't have access to such things and at least help one of them get access to proper education, and facilities. Through this, I learned that even the smallest things can help create a big impact on someone's life. I hope that in the future my small actions turn into big ones and I actually go and help them first hand. Sometimes, UNICEF updates me on the situation of the children they aid, and when I hear that my actions have made an impact, it encourages me to keep doing so.

PAWS booth @ CAS showcase 2021

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

During this CAS Showcase, Wells Helping Paws, a club I am the leader for, decided to create handmade soaps and goodies. We sold them alongside our PAWS tote bags and raise donation money for PAWS BKK, a cat shelter in Bangkok, Thailand. Overall, this activity booth helped me develop my organizational skills. This is because I was in charge of delegating different members of the club to different time slots. I had to make sure of everyone's individual schedules that day and organize them in a way that there was no conflict. While I tried my best, 10 minutes before booth rounds started, there was a timing clash and one member of the club had not shown up. Me and my co-leader decided to make everyone's shifts 5 minutes earlier than planned. While this seems like a minor change, this really helped us with crisis management and helped me develop my communication and coordination skills as well.