Alternative Pathways

Alternative Credit Pathways

Consistent with N.J.A.C. 6A:8-5.1(a) 1.ii , as well as, the district’s I&RS and RtI programs, Weehawken students are afforded the opportunity to earn credits beyond the traditional classroom setting. The Weehawken Virtual Academy provides online and blended learning opportunities for students to pursue original credit via Option II and credit recovery classes. There are three alternate credit pathways:

1) Option II provides students with the opportunity to take courses for original credit. It is recommended that students take these course via the Weehawken Virtual Academy, but other providers/institution may be approved by the Director of Curriculum & Instruction. All Option II courses must be aligned to and meet the proficiencies and content enumerated in the NJCCCS and CCSS. Additionally, to receive credit on their transcript student must demonstrate proficiency in the subject area via the departmental final exam or the equivalent with approval from the Director of Curriculum & Instruction.

Students who wish to persue Option Two at WHS may fill out the form below.

2) Credit Recovery is for students who have failed a course and/or are in loss of credit due to attendance. Students can remediate credits via the Weehawken Virtual Academy. Students may initiate the credit recovery process on their own, in consultation, with their school counselor or credit recovery may be a recommended RtI intervention by the district I&RS Team. See here for more information.

3) Independent Study can be an academically enriching experience for both the student, as well as, the cooperating teacher or partnering organization. Independent study provides students with the opportunity to master an academic area through his/her own initiative, self-discipline, and self-reliance.