What is Trauma?

The American Psychological Association (n.d.) defines trauma as an "emotional response to a terrible event like an accident, rape or natural disaster" (para. 1). The effects of trauma not only affect the person who is experiencing the trauma, but also those around them. Trauma leaves multiple side effects that a person can carry with them throughout their entire life.

Three Types of Trauma

Acute Trauma

A single event that causes trauma.

  • rape

  • natural disaster

  • accident

  • assault

  • moving

  • poor work evaluations

  • student violence

  • code red (lockdown)

Chronic Trauma

A long term exposure to trauma or exposure to multiple traumatic events

  • domestic violence

  • bullying

  • war

  • long term illness

  • divorce

  • toxic work culture

Complex Trauma

Exposure to multiple events or experiences that are traumatic. This occurs with relationships between people.

  • childhood abuse or neglect

  • family disputes

  • domestic abuse

Effects of Trauma

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