
Trauma Informed Challenge

Read the scenarios below and answer the challenge question for each before you begin this professional learning module.

**Use the note taking guide found on the Home page or at the bottom of this page to record the answers to the questions

Scenario #1 Natural Disaster

Your area has been severely affected by a hurricane. Most government buildings, businesses, and schools have been closed for two weeks while cleanup efforts were taking place. Businesses and schools are beginning to reopen and your staff will return next week. Several staff members are still displaced from their homes and communication between leadership and staff has been limited.

Challenge Question: How would you prepare for the first day back?

Scenario #2 COVID

Over the last month, multiple staff members have suffered the loss of family members due to COVID-19. Your building has experienced an increase of COVID cases and most recently lost a staff member. Fear and anxiety within your building are at an all-time high.

Challenge Question: What should you as a leader do to promote safety within your building?

Scenario #3 Toxic culture with multiple challenges

You are a new leader in a low-performing school. The teacher turnover rate at this school has continued to increase over the past few years. After an initial meeting with the staff, the overall feeling in the building is negative and morale is low. Teachers mention that they keep to themselves and rarely communicate with leaders or other staff within the building. Previous leadership was very close-minded and liked to micro-manage the teachers. Students are beginning to feel the negative impact of the environment.

Challenge Question: How can you empower and reunify the staff where they feel safe and collaborate with each other?

Initial Thoughts:

  1. What do you think it means to be trauma informed?

  2. In each scenario, what steps do you take to guide your staff through a traumatic event?

Note Taking Guide - Click the Link Below