
Voice & Choice

Empowerment: Voice and Choice Definition:

Each individual has a different experience related to the trauma and therefore is given a voice and choice in their own healing plan of action.

Guiding Questions:

Instructions: Before watching the video below, answer the following questions with your specific site in mind.

  1. What are some policies and/or procedures that you have in place at your site that may empower your staff and give them voice and choice?

  2. Which policies and/or procedures could take voice and choice away?

To Establish Empowerment With Voice and Choice,

Leaders Need to:

Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels


Identify Staff Strengths

  • Validating and utilizing strengths of other leaders at the site

  • See Resource Page for Strengths Finder Test

Acknowledge Work

  • Be consistent when feedback is given and work collaboratively when decisions are being made

Incorporate Ideas

  • Use staff ideas in policies, practices and resources to make changes at the site.

Shared Decision Making

  • Establish ownership of any decision and always strive to get buy-in from the staff.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels


Listen to Other Perspectives

  • Be open to opposing perspectives helps to establish safety and build trust.

Protect All Voices

  • Listen to all staff members who may raise concerns about those who are not using their voice.

  • Protect all those who are using their voice but may have an unpopular opinion.

Utilize Survey Tools

  • Collect staff voices through surveys that include open responses to provide a platform for voices to be shared.

  • Allow for staff members to self-identify or remain anonymous

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels


Job Support

  • Carve out time for peer job support through professional learning teams, mentor/mentees and/or peer mentors to meet. Staff can choose the relationship they would like to participate with.

  • Provide a direction for discussions surrounding challenges associated with the trauma and allow the team to stray from the topics to address their specific needs.

Psychological Support

  • Allow staff to opt-in or opt-out of any psychological support offered at the site.

  • See Resource Page for ways to support mental health

Empowerment: Voice and Choice Wrap-Up

Take a minute to write down your initial thoughts about leading empowerment, for voice and choice, at your site.

  • What are you already doing?

  • What do you need to foster empowerment?

  • How will you promote voice and choice more?