Peer Support

Peer Support Definition:

The term “peer” refers to those with similar experiences related to the trauma. Peer support is essential for establishing safety, trust, and building self-efficacy.

Guiding Questions:

  1. What peer support groups have been established in your building to address trauma?

  2. What resources outside of your building have you provided your staff to address trauma?

To Build Peer Support, Leaders Need to:

Provide Staff Training

  • Establish clear guidelines for the role of a peer supporter

  • Identify a private and safe location within your building for trauma-sensitive conversations.

  • Provide resources and supports offered within your building

Effective Support Conversations

  • Train staff on how to respond with trauma-sensitive language.

  • Establish effective communication between colleagues that creates a culture of respect and has mutual and reciprocal dialogue.

Peer Pairing

  • Get to know your staff on a personal level to effectively identify similarities amongst them

  • Group staff members with similar experiences to for peer support partners

  • Express the importance of peer advocacy when partners cannot speak up for themselves

Maintaining Peer Support


Creating mentorships between staff members helps maintain a culture of safety by always knowing there is one person checking in with them.

Healing Circles

Staff can move into and out of different groups to meet their healing needs.

Peer Support Wrap-Up

Take a minute to write down your initial thoughts about building and maintaining peer support at your site.

  • What ways are you already implementing peer support systems?

  • How can you have better conversations within your peer support groups?