Trauma Informed Leadership Wrap-Up


Throughout this professional learning module, you have learned about the importance of the six principles of trauma informed leadership. You also learned about numerous ways to implement and support each of the principles at your site. You learned that safety is the most important principle and both physical and psychological safety must be established before any of the other principles can be implemented. The six principles of trauma informed leadership are listed below. There are multiple links for each of the six principles on the resources page if any additional information is needed to help implement the principles at your site. If you have any further questions you can reach out directly to any of the authors of this professional learning module via the emails listed on the Author's page.

Six Principles


All persons involved feel both physically and psychologically safe. This principle is the most important and has the highest priority of all principles since safety is required for the implementation of the other five principles.

Trust and Transparency

Trust among all persons is established and maintained through the transparency of decision making and organizational structure.

Peer Support

The term “peer” refers to those with similar experiences related to the trauma. Peer support is essential for establishing safety, trust, and building self-efficacy.

Collaboration and Mutuality

Emphasis is placed on leveling the power differential through collaboration. Each member of the organization has a role to play and relationships are essential to healing.

Empowerment Voice and Choice

Each individual has a different experience related to the trauma and therefore is given a voice and choice in their own healing plan of action.

Cultural, Historical, & Gender Issues

The organization is able to move past stereotypes and biases related to race, ethnicity, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion or geography. Decisions based on policies and procedures within the organization are responsive to ALL racial, ethnic, and cultural needs of those within the organization.

Revisit Your Initial Thoughts

Revisit your initial thoughts about the scenarios presented on the challenge page. Reconsider your responses, would you handle the situation differently now that you have learned about the six principles of trauma informed leadership?


If you made any changes to your initial thoughts, reflect on why you made those changes and how those changes would support a trauma informed environment.