week 3

Nov 2-7

Tuesday, November 3 is a Remote Learning Day. All lessons are prerecorded and posted in Google Classroom. There will be no live instruction. Teachers are available for email and Talking Points responses.

9:15 LIVE LESSON- We will focus on the character strength of Bravery.

9:30 EL LIVE LESSON- We will focus on the learning challenges that people face on a more personal level. Up to this point, our focus has been on lack of access to books and learning in countries around the world. But now we are preparing the students to think reflectively about themselves and the challenges they face in reading and how they can overcome those challenges.

10:00-11:00 EL SMALL GROUP TIME - Students will work on building their reading fluency with an assigned fluency passage and analyzing a model reading contract, which will prepare them for their end of module performance task.

11:50 Specials

12:40-1:00 Intervention & Enrichment - Students finish listening to "The Candy Corn Contest". They also begin working on their Intervention Packet for the weeks of 11/2-11/13. They should be completing one to two pages a day from the packet.

1:45 - MATH LIVE LESSON - On Monday, we will continue our new unit on addition and subtraction strategies with a focus on the expanded method.

2:15-3:15 MATH SMALL GROUP TIME - We will reinforce the lessons for the day. Students will also independently complete workbook pages and play Dreambox or Prodigy.

3:15 SOCIAL STUDIES: We are continuing our study on Geography with a focus on the Five Themes of Geography (movement, location, place, human-environment interaction and regions).
