week 5

Sept 14-18

9:15 LIVE LESSON- we will focus on building the character strength of Being Present

9:30 EL LIVE LESSON- This week we will continue on answering questions from a fiction text as well as identifying the gist, central message, and supporting details. We will end our unit on Thursday with an EL assessment. Friday will begin our Unit 2 with a focus on closely reading nonfiction texts for research and writing.

10-11 EL SMALL GROUP TIME - We will follow up from our whole group lessons.

11:00 Intervention & Enrichment - Continue read aloud of "Out of My Mind". Continue working on Typing Club. This is a fun virtual site that will help your child to develop typing skills.

1:05 Specials

1:45 - MATH LIVE LESSON - We will continue to focus on building the foundation for multiplication through arrays, repeated addition, and skip counting. But this week we are also adding in developing fact fluency. This is a great time to begin practicing flashcards with your students!

2:15-3:15 MATH SMALL GROUP TIME - we will reinforce the lessons for the day. Students will also independently complete workbook pages and play dreambox or Prodigy.

3:15 SOCIAL STUDIES This week we begin our science unit on the human body. All science meets will be live throughout this unit. This week's focus will be on identifying the human body as a system and digging into the skeletal system.
