week 4

Sept 7-11

iStation Parent Meeting: Tuesday, September 8 @5:00 PM


Don't forget....no school on Monday for Labor Day! Also, please note that Mrs. Olynick will be out all day on Friday. Her small group lessons will be prerecorded.

9:15 LIVE LESSON- we will focus on building the character strength of Open Mindedness

9:30 EL LIVE LESSON- This week will focus strongly on affixes and written response answers to questions from text. On Friday, your child will have their first EL assessment. It is for a Speaking and Listening grade.

10-11 EL SMALL GROUP TIME - We will focus on answering questions explicitly from a text. On Wednesday, your child will take the iStation Assessment so there will be no regularly scheduled small groups.

11:00 Intervention & Enrichment - Continue read aloud of "Out of My Mind". This week we have also added in Typing Club. This is a fun virtual site that will help your child to develop typing skills.

1:05 Specials

1:45 - MATH LIVE LESSON - We will continue to focus on building the foundation for multiplication through arrays, repeated addition, and skip counting. On Thursday, your child will have their first math assessment.

2:15-3:15 MATH SMALL GROUP TIME - we will reinforce the lessons for the day. Students will also independently complete workbook pages and play dreambox or Prodigy.

3:15 SOCIAL STUDIES We will continue our unit on government. Tuesday and Thursday will be live lessons. On Wednesday and Friday, your child will have independent assignments to complete.