Canvas for Teachers
Importing Canvas Content: When you want to use your content from previous courses in your current course. Here is a video showing you how to do it.
End of Year FAQ | Tips from your K12 CSM team
Canvas PD Mini-Course - Crafting High Quality Feedback in Canvas
Our next Canvas mini-course is now open for self-registration in NCEES. Learn all about the different ways you can give high quality feedback in Canvas.
This course is designed to be completed in one hour, and upon course completion, 0.1 CEU of Digital Learning Competency Credit will be applied to your transcript in NCEES (within 48 hours).
Register here (must login to NCEdCloud):
New Rich Content Editor in Canvas!
Canvas Sync to PTP Checklist
Canvas Sync to PTP Checklist:
Your courses are the PowerSchool generated courses - not manually created courses
Your students are in a PowerSchool Section- not just a manually created "Cohort A/B" section
Your PTP Categories have been imported into Canvas (each course) AND the assignments are listed under those categories.
Your Assignment or Quiz CANNOT have a name longer than 30 characters.
The Assignment or Quiz MUST be assigned to the entire course or section (cannot be assigned to individual students).
Your Assignment or Quiz MUST have a due date.
That due date MUST be the same for everyone, if assigned to everyone.
The due date CAN differ if assigned to different sections (entire sections only).
The due date CAN be extended for some students ONLY if the assignment is assigned to everyone.
The due date CAN NOT be different for each student or groups of students.
All Students MUST have SIS ID’s in Canvas for grades to post for the students.
The Course and Section MUST have PowerSchool generated SIS ID's to post
You MUST check the box in the assignment/quiz that allows the score to be passed back to the Gradebook.
Canvas and PowerTeacher Pro Grade Passback (Google Slides)
If you are having Grade Sync issues, the slide deck above is a step-by-step troubleshooting guide that will help you get back on track. This was done specifically for the North Carolina versions of Canvas and PTP. We have found that a teacher needs to set up everything in PTP first, then go to Canvas to finish setting it up. If done in reverse, the grade sync will be broken.
This is an extensive guide from Canvas on the PTP Grade Passback. It should solve many problems that users are experiencing.
More Canvas Courses offered by NCDPI:
Course Title: Release Date: Registration Link:
Creating Assignments and Using LTI Tools November 2020 Course Registration Link
Crafting High Quality Feedback with Learning December 2020 Course Registration Link
Connecting with Observers in Canvas
Mastery Gradebook, Speed Grader, and Analytics January 2021 Course Registration Link
Canvas Course Design Basics February 2021 Course Registration Link
Moving From Google Classroom to Canvas - Click here to access many resources.
Need Help? Here are some Canvas Guides -
Canvas Community is a great place to ask questions and find answers from other Canvas users:
"Getting Started With Canvas" Webinars 2019-2020
All the recordings so far this year. Click on this link to make your own copy -
Canvas Offerings through NCCAT
NCCAT Online Programs
Creating Links in Canvas: Manager, T. (Ed.). (2010, December 1). Creating links in Canvas (Text Tutorial): Tutorials: VerticalResponse How To Do Everything. Retrieved March 20, 2020, from
How do I generate a pairing code for an observer/parent as an instructor?