Webinar Archives


Imagine Learning

Imagine Learning is hosting a number of webinars for teachers throughout May.They have sessions that go over the basics of Language & Literacy, which may be helpful for classroom teachers that are not as familiar with the program but have students leveraging it at home.


#GoOpenNC and the Remote Learning Landscape - this popular webinar series from last week will be repeated on April 6th and 8th from 1-2pm. Registration and more details available at: bit.ly/goopenncremote

The Friday Institute is partnering with the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction to provide professional learning opportunities for educators to support their implementation of remote learning during the COVID-19 crisis. Sessions will be run multiple times and will change week by week. Recordings of the webinars will be available to view following the live sessions. If for some reason the session is full (meaning more than 500 participants), we will ensure that the recording and resources are available as soon as possible.

Some of this week's topics are: Social and Emotional Needs of Students, Supporting English Learners Across the Content Areas, Supporting Teachers in Implementing Remote Learning, and Fostering Engagement in Times of Uncertainty.

For information about Week 1: Monday, April 6 - Friday, April 10, 2020, visit the Remote Learning to Support for NC Educators webpage.

Google Classroom: Tips for Making Your Classroom a Digital Learning Hub Webinar

Beginner to Intermediate: Register to Attend, Thursday, April 9, 6PM

Intermediate to Advanced: Register to Attend, Thursday, April 9, 7PM

Google Webinars on Supporting IEPs and SEL while schools are closed.

Supporting IEPs during Distance Learning | MARCH 19, 2020 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM EDT | https://educationonair.withgoogle.com/events/distancelearning-ieps

SEL & Wellness During Distance Learning | MARCH 23, 2020 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM EDT | https://educationonair.withgoogle.com/events/distancelearning-sel

Learning Continuity Resources and Upcoming Webinars

Learning Opportunities

This document outlines the first week of remote instruction that is to be provided by WCPS