Saving attendance list
Teams has a new feature that allows you to save a list of people who joined your meeting.
To save this list you must do the following BEFORE YOU END THE MEETING:
Select "Participants" on your meetings toolbar. A tab will appear on the right side of your screen.
Next to "People", select the downward facing arrow icon. A purple window will appear in the bottom right corner of your team's window. This indicates that the file is downloading.
Next, you will need to navigate to the "Downloads" folder of your computer. This is where the file be. You can access your downloads folder by typing "Downloads" in the start menu.
In your downloads folder, the file will be named "meetingAttendanceList.csv". It is recommended that you add a label to the end of the name to distinguish this list from other lists. For example: "meetingAttendanceList-15-5-20-11:50am", "meetingAttendanceList-Yr10Science-15-5" etc. You may also move the file to a different location on your computer if you wish.
The file can be opened using Microsoft Excel. It will display a log of who joined and left the call along with timestamps.