Suggested Applications

The applications below are suggestions to assist individuals in the use of devices in an educational context.

This page will be updated as more suggestions are available.

Microsoft Office - Free to students

One of the benefits of WCCS subscribing to Microsoft Office is that staff and students are able to get Office on personal devices under our license. To take advantage of this offer go to the sign in page, and login with your WCCS email address (ending in and school password.

After signing in on the Office 365 site, you’ll see a link to "Install Office apps". This link gives you access to the newest Office 365 ProPlus software suite (Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Access and Publisher) free to download and install on up to five PCs or Macs, 5 tablets and other mobile devices – including iPad, iPhone and Android devices.

Use this link to start the process

Adobe Suite (2019)

To install the Adobe Suite to a BYOD follow the steps below:

  1. If you require Adobe software in 2019 speak to the ICT staff about having your account enabled for an Adobe license.
  2. Go to the Adobe website: ;
  3. Sign in with your school email address and password (Select "Enterprise ID" if required)
  4. Download, install and run the creative cloud application;
  5. Within the creative cloud application you once again sign in and select which other applications you wish to install.


Use the email client on your device to access your school email to simplify the process of communication. The email program you use should be able to access email from an exchange server. For instructions in setting up WCCS email on your device see this how to guide.


Use a calendar app on your device to remind yourself of due dates, homework tasks and upcoming events for your school life. If the app allows it you could even consider creating a school calendar

Google Drive and Classroom

WCCS email addresses are also Google Apps enabled accounts. If you install the apps for Google drive stream and Google Classroom (Android / iOS) you are able to use your school email address and password to sign in.

Google Drive Stream will allow you to store files from your devices in the cloud. This will enable you to easily move files between your portable devices, the WCCS network and your home computers. We recommend that you do not use the cloud storage for any files which may contain sensitive or private information.

eBook Reader

WCCS subscribes to the wheelers eplatform for ebooks. To download and read ebooks on your device we recommend the Wheelers ePlatform app. There is a guide to getting the ePlatform app to borrow ebooks from wheelers here. Once you have the app choose our school from the list available and then sign in using SSO with your school username and password.

Password manager

An application like Lastpass or mSecure will allow you to create and secure passwords across multiple devices.

Security Software

Despite the best precautions, no computing device can be guaranteed to remain free from virus. When connecting your electronic device to a network you should protect your data and device by installing security software.

Other Useful Apps

Bible by

CIA World Fact Book (Various apps available)

Google Earth

School A to Z by DEC

Word Web English Dictionary