Google Classroom

WHS teachers and students use Google Classroom to assign work, create announcements, provide feedback and accept assignments from students. It is a great tool. If you would like one-on-one support to set up and use Google Classroom, please feel free to make an appointment, schedule a workshop for you and your colleagues, or drop in to my office. If you are already using Google Classroom seamlessly and want a few more tips, visit this video for advanced users.

UPDATES FOR 2018!! There have been several updates to Classroom this fall. Please refer to the August Tech Tips Issue for an overview or watch this screencast! Click Here for Google's announcement at ISTE.

Julie Hall Video:

MORE NEWS TO COME! Soon, teachers will be able to create and assign a Forms Quiz directly from Classroom—saving educators time and streamlining the assignment process. Quizzes lets teachers create questions, grade by question or by student, auto grade checkbox and multiple choice grid questions, and include feedback to answers for a personalized learning experience. And teachers can import grades from Quizzes right back into Classroom.