Google Keep and Tasks

Google Keep

Improves your work with easy-to-manage notes and tasks. You can use it to organize, capture, store and reference information on the fly. You can add images, voice notes, drawings and more!

Check out EDU in 90 for tips on how to use this versatile tool in your classroom.

Google Tasks

Helps you create to-do lists within your desktop Gmail or the Google Tasks app. When you add a task, you can integrate it into your Gmail calendar, and add details or subtasks. Tasks also enable you to drag and drop emails into your to-do list, rearrange the order of your tasks, and check off completed ones

Link to Lesson Ideas

Full Tutorial and User Guide

10 Ways Google Keep can streamline your life at school


Beginner Tips

Diving a Little Deeper Into Google Keep

Using to GMail, Keep and Calendar to Up Your Organization and Productivity

Google Keep: Beginner Tips

Keep: Beginner tips

Learn these beginner tips for Google Keep.

Google Keep Intermediate Tips

Keep: Intermediate tips

Learn these intermediate tips for Google Keep.

Google Keep: Advanced Tips

Keep: Advanced tips

Learn these advanced tips for Google Keep.