
So, I have a ChromeBook (yessssss!). Now what?

So, you have a ChromeBook. Now What?

Many of you are used to using a laptop or iPad or SmartPhones for your work. There are many similarities, but a number of differences between these and your ChromeBooks.

5 Reasons Chromebooks Make Sense for Schools

Because Chromebooks run the browser-based Google Chrome ­operating system, these notebooks start up instantly, integrate with Google Apps for Education and cost far less than ­traditional models. Here is a list of 5 reasons that Chromebooks make sense in the classroom.

30 Ways to Use Chromebooks in Schools

This is an excellent Google slides deck that lists 30 great ways to use Chromebooks in the classroom.

What Can You Do on a Chromebook?

What can you do on a Chromebook - nice table created in Google Docs that lists ways the Chromebook, as a device, can enhance teaching and learning in the classroom.

Gray Matters: Too Much Screen Time Damages the Brain

This article critically examines the net effects of screen time on young minds citing a body of international research. As educators, we must consider the personal screen time that our students will be having in addition to expectations we place on them for classroom and homework use.

Managing Chromebooks in School

A list of articles that cover various Chromebook topics.

Chromebooks in the Classroom

This page will provide links to online information about the use of Google Chromebooks in the Pre K-12 classroom.