Book Creator

Book Creator is a simple tool for creating awesome digital books. Create your own teaching resources or have your students take the reins. Students can use the skill of digital storytelling to convey complex ideas and combine multimedia to really show what they know with an authentic audience across all content areas and grades.

Written by award-winning high school teacher Michael Hernandez, this free ebook serves as inspiration for how to use Book Creator in a high school setting, no matter what subject you teach. Examples and practical tips help keep the focus on curriculum and how to transform your classroom lessons. Using BookCreator in the High School Classroom

Review this activity book created by the Book Creator team to help give students and parents something fun and educational to work with at home.

Link to Book Creator Lessons

What Can You Do?

Combine text, images, audio and video to create:

Interactive stories

Digital portfolios

Research journals

Poetry books

Science reports

Instruction manuals

‘About me’ books

Comic adventures

Book Creator, Soup to Nuts

(start at 1:18)

Book Creator for Students

More Features For Students. This explains the comic book tool

Book Creator, Collaborations