Course Registration and SCHEDULing

New to WGHS?  

Please make sure to visit our Registration and Records page.


Please visit the GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS and WGHS COURSE CATALOG pages to see specific requirements that students need to graduate from WGHS, recommended course sequences for each core subject area (La, Ma, Sci, SS) and a list of possible elective course offerings.

Spring 2025 Schedules

The schedule change request form will be available Monday, November 18th-Friday, November 22nd.  

The form will close at 3pm on Friday, November 22nd.

Students will have the opportunity to request a change to their 2nd semester schedule through a google form that will be emailed to their student GMail on Monday, November 18th.  Counselors will only process schedule change requests through the google form. There will be NO other additional opportunities for you to request a change to your schedule.  Remember, Schedules cannot be changed because you prefer a different teacher, want a class in a different block, need a different lunch time, or would like to be in a class with friends.

All students should make sure that they are checking their schedule in IC in the morning prior to coming to school the first day of the second semester (January 6th) in case their schedule has been changed either per their request, or for reasons such as balancing class sizes.  Please understand that WGHS may need to change student's schedule without the student's request in order to make sure that each student has the best possible schedule and in order for students to meet graduation requirements.  

**A student meeting graduation requirements will always take priority over their elective preferences.**

FAQ - Courses & Schedules