Reading- Week 5

Monday 11th May

Read the story 'Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn'

Retell the story to someone in your family.

This picture book has beautiful illustrations, can you draw a picture of you favourite page? Use beautiful autumn colours to colour your picture.

Tuesday 12th may

I loved Clifford books when I was a child! So I was excited when I came along this story and had to share!

Read 'Clifford's First Autumn'

Tell someone in your family about what happened in your story. What happens when Autumn comes? How is it different from Summer?

Funny Activity: Find some Autumn leaves outside and do a leaf rubbing. All you need is a piece of paper, a leaf and a crayon. Put the leaf under the paper and colour over your leaf and see what happens!

wednesday 13th may

This is a great story all about the leaves in Autumn!

Read 'Autumn Leaves'

Tell someone in your family what you learnt about the leaves.

Extra Task: Can you create a fact sheet or poster all about what you learnt about autumn leaves? Send it to me so I can see too!

thursday 14th may

Listen to the story 'When a dragon moves in'

Then answer the following questions:

  1. What was inside the sand castle?

  2. What did the boy have to hide from the life guard?

  3. What did the dragon do to make people mad?

  4. Do you think there was really a dragon on the beach?

  5. Draw a cool picture about the story.

friday 15th may

Listen to this fun story 'My Dad’s a Dragon Catcher'

Retell the story to someone in your bubble. Remember to include the characters, the setting, the main events that happened – this will include the problem and solution, and how it ended.