Postsecondary Survey

California Department of Education (CDE) 

Postsecondary Survey

"Both the CTE Incentive Grant (CTEIG) and the Strong Workforce Program (K–12 SWP) grant programs require LEAs to annually submit additional CTE Completer information to the California Department of Education (CDE) to remain eligible for future funding. Failure to report postsecondary status data for completers will result in LEAs being excluded from the next round(s) of federal and state grant funding". (CDE)

Per the CDE, "LEAs are required to survey all CTE Completers who left secondary education in the previous academic year (AY), completed a CTE sequence of courses of 300 hours or more, and passed the capstone course. This should include any student who became a CTE Completer at any time during high school, and exited secondary education in the previous academic year with a school completion status, meeting one of the following:

Class of 2023 Senior Survey - Please take this survey if you graduated from Adelanto, Silverado, Lakeview Leadership Academy, or Victor Valley High School and participated in a CTE Class. This survey helps us with future funding for all of our programs.  Closes December 8th