Hybrid Lecture Theatre VU

Hybrid or Streamed Lecture

Duo Presentation

View from the director's cockpit

Engage your students with a professional looking live streamed lecture

The Hybrid Lecture Theatre of the VU Education Lab is located in room 4A-51 in the NU building. The room has a large display wall, various presentation tools, good lighting and good sound. A director/technician of the VU Education Lab will assist you in making a professional looking live streamed lecture. They help you in setting one of the following scenes:

The director does the live switching of scenes between the presenters and the students in the room and online.

The service is free of charge for VU teachers. Capacity is limited so be sure to book in advance!

How does it work?

Get in touch with us

First, get in touch with us and discuss your idea with our director/technician. Simply send an e-mail to onderwijswerkplaats@vu.nl. The intake will most likely take a half an hour.

Book your lecture(s)

Book your lecture(s) via this booking form. You will receive a confirmation e-mail. If you want to invite students, inform them that only ten students can attend your live lecture (during corona times, after corona times, about 30 student can attend). Make sure that they attend by offering them an engaging scenario for your lecture. The director can help you with this.

Work on your plan. Choose one of the standard settings. Start to make a scenario for your live session: when will you present, when will you ask questions to the students in the room and/or online, when will you do Zoom break-out rooms etc. The scenario provides input for the technician and the student-assistant to make the direction.

Make sure that the lecture is engaging for both the ten students in the room as well as those online. As a special asset, it is possible to include sessions on separate screens in which the online students and the students that are present in the room could collaborate.

Then, contact, the director to further develop your idea and you run through the scenario, scene by scene.

On lecturing day

Be present at least 30 minutes before the start of your lecture in the room NU 4A-51 so there will be sufficient time for instructions and rehearsal.

Make sure to wear nice clothing without stripes or patterns: plain colors are best for video.

Have an engaging live session. It is optional to record the session.